Mike Pierce

"The Pierce Team - Real Estate." Southern California

He ditched the corporate grind to dive into real estate, guided by sage wisdom. His mission? To prioritize clients, challenge industry norms, and stay innovative. Join us as we uncover Mike's journey, where values and ambition blend seamlessly in the world of real estate.

Q & A with Mike Pierce, 11.24.23

R.F.: Can you share your journey of how (and when) you started your business/artistic career and what inspired you to pursue this path?

Mike P.: I started my Real Estate Journey in 2018. Before I started on this path, I was working as a customer service rep for a couple of years for a big transportation logistics company. It was a job that paid the bills, but it did not excite me in any way, and I did not see myself continuing on that career path. I had some past experience working on construction sites out of high school doing house flips, and that was an industry that I found very exciting. I was at a crossroads with my career, and it was my grandpa Don Hokanson, who suggested that I try out real estate. My grandpa along with my grandma started and ran an appraisal company for the majority of their professional career.

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R.F.: What are the core values and mission that anchor your ambitions? How do these values influence your decision-making and business/artistic direction?

Mike P.: I try to approach my business from a standpoint of helping others as my number one priority. As a real estate agent, you end up working for free a lot since you only work off of commission. I think a lot of real estate agents look out for their interests first and don't truly care about their clients, and that's where the "sleazy salesman" stereotype comes from. I believe if I try to put myself second and just focus on helping my clients the best I can, I will in turn be taken care of myself.

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R.F.: Could you describe a significant challenge or obstacle you faced during your entrepreneurial/ artistic journey? How did you overcome it, and what lessons did you learn from that experience?

Mike P.: Sales is not for the faint of heart! You will deal with a TON of rejection, every single day. When I first started out it was harder to deal with that rejection. As it is with anything though, the more you do something the more comfortable you become with it. I tell people that are just starting out in the business, just keep working hard. If you put in the time and energy into something whatever it may be, even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it is paying off, you just got to keep going.

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R.F.: Innovation and differentiation are crucial in today's competitive landscape. How do you bring a unique perspective to your industry or art form? What sets you apart from others?

Mike P.: It's important to not get too comfortable with where you are at, and to always strive to get better and keep learning. Through connections I have made, I am able to bring many unique options to people selling or purchasing homes that almost everyone has never heard of. Anyone can do a run of the mill transaction, and for most instances that is what is needed and is completely fine. But by bringing to the table multiple options to sell or buy a home that people have never heard or thought about, I can differentiate myself from other real estate agents.

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R.F.: Collaboration can be a powerful tool in entrepreneurship and art. Could you share an example of a successful collaboration or partnership that has benefited your business or artistic career? What made it successful?

Mike P.: One of those unique options I have been recently excited about is a company that allows homeowners to flip their own homes. We have all seen or heard of the shows on HGTV that show investors buy a run down home and "flip it" and make insane profits. I have a connection with a company that will front homeowners the money to renovate their homes, and they do all of the planning, coordinating and designing. Once the home is all fixed up it will sell for top dollar, the company that did the renovating collects the money that they fronted the homeowner after the sale, and the homeowner collects the additional profit from the flip. It's really a game changer, and is something that at the very least should be explored by everyone selling their homes.

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R.F.: Entrepreneurship can be demanding, with long hours and high expectations. How do you maintain your motivation, resilience, and work-life balance throughout your journey?

Mike P.: There is definitely much truth to this statement. It is not an easy business to be in, and there are a lot of struggles with maintaining the work-life balance. At the end of the day, I love what I do and find it very rewarding, and that is something that most people never find in their careers. So I have to keep reminding myself there is always the option to go back to a job like I had before, and the idea of that keeps me motivated to work hard at my business.

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R.F.: What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to pursue ambitious goals while staying true to their values?

Mike P.: Life is short, and no career or anything else in life should make you stray away from your values. Stay true to who you are, work hard, and bring your light to the world.

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R.F.:  Looking back at your journey, is there anything you wish you had known or done differently? What advice would you give to your younger self?

Mike P.: Honestly I can't say I have any regrets. There are a million different paths to choose from in life, and none of them are perfect. I am pretty good about enjoying the ride, and I have a lot to be grateful for. I wouldn't change a thing.

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R.F.:  Are there any resources, books, or mentors that have significantly influenced your entrepreneurial/artistic journey? How have they impacted your growth and success?

Mike P.: It's very important to have mentors in life. We are all on our journeys, and you will be better off by learning from others who are on a similar path as you then to try to do it alone. Surround yourselves with positivity, and remember that we are all in this together. That is the energy I try to put out into the world, and I feel that because of that I get that energy back in return.

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R.F.: Can you share a story or moment that stands out as a highlight or turning point in your entrepreneurial/artistic career?

Mike P.: I worked for the first 6 months of my career with 0 sales. My first sale was a major turning point in my career, and the confidence it gave me moving forward. It showed me that all of the hard work I had been putting in was not in vain, and it proved to myself that I can do this. Confidence is not easy to find at times, and it made a huge difference in my career to get that first boost of confidence.

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R.F.: Finally, what's next for your business/artistic pursuits? What ambitions do you have for the future?

Mike P.: Right now my ambitions are to grow my business every single year. A lot of people don't last a year in this business, so I am grateful to be in my fifth year and still continuing to grow. Sometime down the line I would like to get into investing in real estate for myself, and doing some house flips. I still have a big interest in that, and I could see that being a path I go down at some point. Of course I don't know what the future has in store for me, but all I know is I need to continue to put forth my best effort, and continue to keep growing and learning!